Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello all,

It's getting closer and closer to the fateful day. Many of you know about our Crate and Barrel registry and our BB&B registry, but we have also started an Amazon registry to catch a few items that aren't carried by those two illustrious retailers. Check it out, and see if anything there looks like something a newlywed couple should have.


Monday, March 26, 2012


Hi Again! Mary here. 

I've made some extensive updates to our blog pages: Airport Info, Registries, Hotels, and Church and Reception are all up and running with some basic, helpful stuff listed on each page. Please browse all of them and use the information as you see fit. 

As always, please let us know if there's anything you find confusing or incomplete. We want to help you! Just comment here or email us at any time. 

Cheerio for now! We'll update as needed. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hello All! Mary here. 

We expect that you all, having received your Save-the-Date cards, immediately rushed over to our website, and found...not much. Yet. Josh and I are working on getting this blog up and running, and will begin posting regularly very soon! 

Since the purpose of this website is for us to help you, our guests, we'd love to know what exactly you all would like to see on this blog! What exact information are you looking for? What would be most useful to you as you make your plans? Please leave a comment on this post letting us know what you need, or feel free to send us an email at mcbcoleart@gmail.com with the subject line "Wedding Info". We'll compile a list of the topics you'd like us to cover and get started!

In the meantime, thank you all for your patience and understanding, and don't forget to check back regularly! We'll see you in July!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why Robots?

You should all be receiving your save-the-dates pretty soon, and it might occur to some of you to wonder, "Why robots?

Over the summer between our junior and senior years, I would send Mary these little sketches I did with my mouse, just as a way to keep in touch.  All of them featured one or more of the robots above.

When we started designing our save-the-date cards, it seemed appropriate for the robots to make another appearance.

Robots are pretty cool.